Sunday, February 20, 2011

Water, Water, Water

So I used to be on the train of "I hate drinking water." Then something happend where I changed my mind. I drink water 98% during the day, and sadly the other 2 % is my morning coffee. I can't say I noticed some life changing event when I started guzzling water like nobody's business. But I did notice how "healthy" I felt knowing that I was making a great choice of drinking, almost mainly, water!
Now, after saying all the water I drink, I do like to keep it snazzy by adding lemon juice. I don't always care for the plain tasted of water so I feel that is a natural way to give it flavor. In California, the hotel we stayed at had cucumbers and strawberries in two sepereate pitchers. The water had a very light taste of it even though it had been soaking all day. It was soooo refreshing!!! The packets of flavor from Crystal Light aren't for me. I also heard somewhere that when you add those kinds of packets to water, your kidney had to filter that as opposed to just plain water. Thus, not "counting" as your daily water intake. Not sure if thats true or not, but I def took to action after hearing that! Here are some benefits of drinking a good amount of water daily:
Health benefits of drinking water include maintenance of pH balance, body temperature, metabolism, breathing, prevention of constipation, heartburn, migraine, gastritis and ulcers, kidney stones, cardiovascular disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, backache and osteoporosis.
Water plays important roles in the functioning of circulatory, respiratory, excretory and nervous systems, along with metabolic reactions, maintenance of skin components and prevention of a number of disorders.

Now I do know that some medical studies claim that water intake isn't necessarily a health benefit.  I think there are contradicting articles regardless the topic. However, it does make sense, that dehyrdration can cause so many issues, so why not drink water to help aide with the onset? Plus, we are made up mainly by water, so it can't hurt to up the intake if you don' t drink it.
I also think that having fun water bottles def help with lugging it around. I think if they are big, then when you down one full container, you are probably almost done with the intake. Its an easier way to set goals of drinking all day. Here are some of my favorites that I am usually lugging around.
Find a water bottle that is big and fun that will help with a new goal of drinking more water.
If you are a coke/diet coke drinker, know the effects of high fructose corn syrup as well as aspartame, which is found in diet sodas. I know that the diet has a lack of sugar but read up on aspartame and its effects. You will be shocked on all the negative things it can do to your body. High Fructose corn syrup is that "filler" that is found in tons of foods. But not a good thing to intake. Its fake, our bodies aren't made to take in "fillers." I am not judging anyone who are soda drinkers, just consider stepping out of the soda bubble. :)As an athlete all my life, coaches helped rear my mind away from soda. I did go through a phase in college of drinking it but thankfully grew out of it. Every now and then, like once in a blue moon, I will have a sprite. If I vear from water, its usually to its sister-- tea! :) I grew up drinking tea, making tea, watching my family drink tea. So, naturally its kind of in my blood. If I want to "spice"things up, I will do the tea ( unsweet and then add my own portion of sugar)

If you are contemplating a new water regimen, take it in strides. Go buy a new water bottle or cup. Start with reminders to sip often. See how much better you will feel drinking a clear, natural liquid from the Earth!
Happy Work outs!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It may be cold outside, but....

It may be cold outside, but it will be time soon enough when we put the little fabric outfit on called the bathing suit. I have def kept this in mind over these last few weeks of super cold weather. Its not easy leaving the house when its soooo cold outside. I was determined enough today to brave the inch iced roads, but was not left disappointed. There is something about being one of the only ones at the gym. A sense of accomplishment, athletic-ness, "you braved the weather" to kick your own butt feeling. And I sure did. To be honest, I enjoyed it more than I have any other work out here lately. I hurt my back a few weeks ago along with getting  a strange lightheaded/dizzy sickness, and to be honest, it was throwing me off! Luckily, neither one of those two knocked me out from the gym longer than three days. I put ear plugs in at the gym to help with this ear unbalanced thing, and did alot of spinning the first week back from the back thing.

Which brings me to my next topic, how I have fallen in love with spinning all over again. This has been a 4 year love affair. We had the honey moon stage for about a year and a half. I was head over heels for this new found exercise routine. Loved it! Started pursuing other types of exercises while visiting spin class weekly still. Then, once again here in the last month, its swept me off my feet. I recently bought cycle shoes that "clip"in  for a better ride and wow!!! They change the work out sooo much! Its like my eyes were opened. But these days I have started to respect the bike that takes me to high levels of cardio and pushes my limits. I love being in a spin class with 'legit' music. Feeling the rhythm and keeping pace is the challenge I enjoy. Please try spinning if you haven't. Yes, its hard. Yes, its everything you have heard. And yes, only you know how hard you are pushing yourself on that bike,whether you are pushing those limits to make real changes. I love my shoes and I got such a great deal (which you know I am always up for), at REI b/c of the Lifetime fitness discount. You have to buy the clips separate. The bike like this one at my gym. They def vary from gym to gym. Its crazy, b/c if you would have asked my before doing a spin workout if I thought you would get tired doing a bike, I would have said your
crazy. Point of this topic, fall in LOVE with something that makes changes to your health and body for the better. Feel good about laying by the pool this summer or putting on those cute little summer shorts. This is your life, celebrate it with things you enjoy. Yes, every now and then you won't enjoy the hard ones while they are happening, but enjoy it when you finish. Stand tall, feel great and enjoy the hard work.

Over the holidays, I was very stressed to see the scale was telling me that I ate to many sweets. Lets be honest, I know I was eating and enjoying more than I knew I could keep up with. We aren't talking 15-20 pounds here, but even the extra "few" was def making me feel blue! Luckily, I have my sis as a work out partner at home and even when she left for a few days, I stayed strong going to the local Lifetime. Last week going back to the dr, the scale  wasn't disappointing. I didn't believe it when I stepped on the scale and demanded to step on their second scale! No really , I did! I had still been feeling not so great about the weight gain from December, and really was soooo happy I was at my normal "last four years' weight. I honestly think it was the lack of eating sweets everyday and continued work outs. This opened my eyes to see that no amount of over eating will make me feel as good as staying healthy. Those sweets aren't going to feel as good as strong, lean muscles. I have had a re-focus rather than beginning of year goal making. I feel this happens to all of us. Tighter pants, a little extra jiggle, lack of motivation- these should be a wake up call to get going strong again! Don't give up and go into a slippery slope where it takes months to crawl out of.
Lots to type this time... needing to frequent my blog about what I love so much more often.
P.S. Passed my P.E. cert test--- now to find a job in that arena!!!:) until then, I will teach the littles in kinderland.